Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cupcake Inspiration Challenge #57

Happy Sunday! Wow, this past week flew by. The kids were on April vacation and it seemed as the days got away from me. The kids a great week, on Monday we hung around the house, Tuesday we went to Chuck E Cheese, on Wed my husbands job had bring your kids to work day, so they went there and had a great time, on Thursday and Friday we took the to Coco Keys resort yesterday they went to a movie night at my sons karate, and today, I am off to work, but my daughter is headed to the Good Loafe Bakery to bake for a fundraiser for her Gymnastics team, and my son is headed to a B-day party. So, as you see, they have had a great week.

They are headed back to school tomorrow, and that works for me, as I have to study for my microbiology final for Wednesday. After Wed, I am FREEEEE for the summer Wahoooo....

Ok, onto my card for todays HSE Cupcake challenge.
My card was inspired by the picture to the left. Once again here is my interpretation of todays card: When I first look at the card, I see Pink, Green, Flowers, Leaves, and swirls. I also see "pretty". Well, i turned that into Bright pink, green, flowers silver gems, and some texture. Works for me..... hehehe.....
Last Sunday some friends and I (mary, peggy, Kerry, Pia, Tricia, Katie), got together and stamped for the day. Well, Peggy had this Greeting Farm stamp, and I was dying to play with it, so I worked this stamp into my challenge for today. Thanks Peggy

We would love to have you play along this week! Make sure to add a direct link to
your NEW creation on Mr Linky below by Saturday, May 8th at 9 pm MT.
If you upload to a public gallery like SCS or PCP make sure to use keyword CIC57 so we can easily find you. Remember, no cupcake stamps are required! Rachel will post the Top 5next Sunday.

If you want to be truly inspired, check out the cards by the amazing DT:
Karen ~ Kelli ~ Kristen (me) ~ Piali ~ Teresa ~

Well, I need to cut this rather short, as I have to be to work in 45 minutes and I am not even dressed yet. I am good one for waiting to the last minute for everything. I think i function best under pressure (well, that is what I like to tell myself heheh). So, Have a wonderful day and happy creating.


  1. Hey! Cute card - thanks for mentioning me! ;-)

  2. AWWW Kristen ADORABLE creation sweetie, LOVE these colors, dp, and that darling image!!! Hope you are having a great weekend gf! Hugs!

  3. So cute!!!! Love the bright colors you used!

  4. This is the sweetest little card! The coloring is amazing and I love the little flower accent - beautiful layout too!!

  5. Cute, cute, card-sounds like you all have been super busy!

  6. Super cute TGF card!! Thanks for visiting my blog during the Club Anya & Friends Rockin' Rebel blog hop!
