Saturday, September 22, 2012

Journal Page: Letting Go

Happy Saturday!!!! What a week it has been.....It has been a week of many changes.   Monday I started a new job, and it isn't any new job, it is my first job as a nurse. To say this week has been crazy is an understatement.  For the first time in a very long time, I had to leave my house at 6:15am and that is before everyone in my house is even awake, which means I don't get to see my babies before they go to school for the day. Also, it is a 10 hour day, which means my kids get home before me.  This has been my hardest adjustment.  Monday was a killer day for me, not only was I trying to learn a new job, but I was an emotional wreck. By 3pm, my brain was completely overloaded and I was really missing my kids.  I came home (in tears I might add), talked things over with my hubby (who has always been my rock), got some sleep and went back on Tuesday, which was a much better day. Needless to say, I am still at my job and I am actually enjoying it.  I am loving the time with the patients and I love patient teaching. That is probably my favorite part of the job, except the paycheck of course. 
So with the start of my new job, and all the changes, I had to do some soul searching. My logical part knew that I this is what I had studied and trained for, but my heart was telling me otherwise. My heart was missing the kids and telling me I should be there for them (even know it is only 3 days).  Well, I created this page, with this week in mind. I need to learn to LET THINGS GO....I need to stop over thinking things. I know what I am doing is what I SHOULD be doing and my babies are fine!!! So, this week....I am letting it go.........Who needs enemies when I have that little voice in my head that likes to torture me......if you have kids, I am sure you know that voice .......
    Well, I don't usually share this much personal stuff on my blog, but I journal as a way of dealing with things, and sometimes I think it may help others as well. So, that was my week, and now I am resting for the rest of the weekend. Hope you have a great weekend  :)

Dylusions start stencil
Dylusions rubber stamps
Image from Internet
White pen
watercolor paint
Dylusions blue & Teal spray
Circles created with dylusions caps (hehehe)


  1. Congrats on your first week of on the job nursing! Keep in mind - even though right now you feel like you aren't being there for your kids when you go to work, you ARE. You are setting such a wonderful example for them - achieving an incredible goal you set for your self!

  2. Congrats on your new job- what excitement- your new journey! I hope it gets more comfortable for you as you juggle learning the new job and being away from the kids. Nursing is surely a job where you can pick and choose what you want to do- getting experience under your belt is KEY! LOVE your journal page and how expressive it is!

  3. Kristen I just love this. So beautifully designed. Hugs Desíre {Doing Life - my personal blog}

  4. Great journal page an I'm glad to read the week gradually got better for you. It's a transition and it will get easier.

  5. Love your page, Kristen! It will get easier and your kids will be fine, I promise!
