Sunday, July 21, 2013

Got Zombies????

Happy Sunday.....Did you have a great week?  Mine flew by. Hard to believe Summer is almost over. I am completely not ready for it to end.  The kids are heading back to school in 5 weeks and I feel like we have really done to much.  I had the kids make a fun list and I am hoping we can try to do some of the things off their list.
           Today I have a Zombie card to share with you.  This is a digi stamp from I Brake For Stamps, and the name of the stamps is Zombie Time!  I am completely head over heels for the new Rick St. Dennis Halloween line....You have got to check them out!  Well, that is all for me today. I am trying to finish my last 2 papers for my History class, and then Life can go back to normal. Have a great Sunday!

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