Wednesday, July 9, 2014

It's My Party.......

Happy Hump Day!!!! I hope you are having a great week.  It has been a fabulous week on my end, as my family and I spent 3 days in Wells Maine, which I completely love.  The weather was gorgeous and the ocean was COLD (60 degrees), but amazing.  It was so nice to just have three days, where the hardest decisions were to go to the beach, or relax at the pool.  Now it's Wednesday and I am heading back to work..blahhh.....don't get me wrong, I love my job, but it certainly doesn't compare to the beach.
       So it's Wednesdays and Wednesdays= Stampotique Designers challenge.....This weeks challenge is to use newspaper or magazine.  Magda is this weeks hostess and this is what she has to say about the challenge:
            "Hello everyone! It's Magda. I'm back to work after my holidays but still have time for some relaxing. I'm sitting surrounded by books and magazines. Today I would like to ask you to use a newspaper or magazine in your project. It can be a small piece, some images from magazine to make a collage or you can use whole page as a background. Have fun! Can't wait to see your creations!"
    I will be honest, this was a true challenge for me. I had no idea what I was going to do. I had no magazines that I wanted to use, so I grabbed a piece of "word" paper and tried to see what I could create with that, but I ended up hating how it came out, but in the end, I decided that I was going to use it anyways, even if it was just a small piece, which I did.
I used it as a stand for my girl stamp.  While I didn't go crazy, I accomplished the challenge, and that is what a challenge is all about.  Well, I am off to work I hope you have a great day and week.

                   I used the following stamps in today's project:
                             -I love my new dress
                             - Happy head appliances cube
                             - Raindrops


  1. You successfully completed the challenge, Kristen, and beautifully so, I might add! I don't (yet) have "I love my new dress," but she is definitely on my list. I love how you have coordinated her hair and "head appliance" colors with the background! Well choreographed!

  2. Haha cool Kristen! Can hear the song while looking at your card. :)

    xx Arwen

  3. I love this, awesome creation and nice job of adding that page!!

  4. It's a fab page Kristen, love the colours xx
