Friday, July 10, 2015

Going Grey With Scrap-Creations Challenge: Summer

Happy Thursday!!! Sorry I am late this week.  I have been working towards my bachelors in Nursing and I decided to take 2 class this summer....UGH....what was I thinking.  I am taking Pathophysiology and Drugs and modern day society.  I love both classes, but the Drug class is a ton of work and it;s quickly killing me.  I barely have time to get daily things done, never mind craft lately.

Enough of me complaining, lets move on to this weeks challenge.  This week, Peggy has challenged us to make a project that is SUMMER themed.  I know my card looks a bit springy, but we have so many birds in my yard during the summer, I went with this project.  So, whatcha waiting for, go break out those supplies and create a project to play with us this week.

Last weeks 4th of July projects were fantastic!!!  The TOP 3 are:


E. Marie


Fabulous cards ladies Please feel free to grab the "I made TOP 3" banner on the right of my blog!

        Feast your eyes on the DT's amazing"Summer" projects

Weren't those fabulous? Don't be afraid to head to their blogs and leave them a little love. You will have 2 weeks on Monday @ 6pm to get your card in for the challenge. We only allow 2 entry's per person. Also, we have new Blog Badges, please feel free to take one and post on your blog. I will be picking the top 3 in 2 weeks, and I will award 3 people with the new top 3 badge! When posting to a gallery's, please use the key words GGSC205...Have a great day and happy creating!