Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Walking Dead!

   Happy HUMP Day!!! Wednesdays here at Scrap-Creations (=) Stampotique Originals Designers Challenge.  I am super excited to be this weeks designers challenge, and because I love movies and certain TV shows, my challenge is to make something that is inspired by one of your favorite TV shows of Movies. I have a TON of favorite movies, but one of my favorite TV shows is the Walking Dead.  I know, some may think it's creepy, but I LOVE it!  I love the zombies and everything.  For my journal page this week, I used a computer generated title, and for the background, I used upholstered by France Papillon, and for my zombies I used Gonno and Topher, both by Daniel Torrente.
    What's your favorite TV show or movie??? Head on over to Stampotiques Designers challenge and Join us for this weeks challenge and a chance for free product.