Happy Thursday.....Today is the big day. My BF & I are leaving for CHA in California. I am feeling very excited, and a little bit nervous as well. Why nervous you ask, well, I have never left my kids this long, and my daughter woke up today crying about me leaving, which just makes me feel Soooo bad. I know my hubby will be able to handle all that goes on while I am gone, but I am going to miss them. I am a WICKED home body, and to say a little bit of a nervous person (hehehehe). So, to say that flying across country and leaving my family for 6 days makes me a little nervous, is putting it lightly. BUT....in the same note, I am so excited. I have never been to California, nor have I been to CHA. I am REALLY looking forward to soaking up all that this trip is offering (once I get over the plane ride, yep, I am afraid of flying). Most of all, I am looking forward to finally meeting all the ladies I have met on-line. That will be the best part, except the fact that I will be wearing my flip flops for 6 days (hehehe).
Okay, moving on to these SUPAH sweet new images from Pink Cat Studio. The minute I saw the Ladybug, I knew that was the first one I wanted to try. I think she is just sooo cute, and she makes a great image for almost any occasion.

For my next card, I used one of the new robot images. I do have something for these robots, They are super cute, and they have ones for boys and girls and they have different saying, which you can plug in. If you have kids, I know you're starting to think about class valentines, and how
cheap would it be to print out these
digi images and have your child color them.......Sounds good to me.

Well, I need to keep this short, as I still have to finish packing and go get my nails done. I will be posting product updates and pics from CHA all week, so stay tuned.
If you would like to see what the VERY talented Pink Cat Studio DT created this week, click
here. Have a great day and Happy Creating!