Happy Thursday! Happy it is, after two almost two weeks of rain and cold, it is sunny and 90....it really has been a long time coming, as we have had a VERY long cold and snowy winter! Today I am sharing a little summer cheer with you, with this Little Birdie card I created. I used the birdhouse image by I Brake For Stamps, and some new DP I just purchased. I have to say, I was a little intimated by the bird, as I wasn't sure how could I color it, but I think it turned out ok. I completely love the flowers on this image. I can promise that this won't be the last time you see this image, as I can imagine it in every color, with all kinds of DP.
As always, if you love this image and want to purchase it, please feel free to use my DT discount code: SAVE10KRISTEN and get 10% off your entire purchase. Well, I am off to soak up some Vitamin D. Enjoy your day! Happy creating!
Happy Monday and for all you U.S. people, Happy Memorial Day! On this day, I would first like to say THANK YOU to all our military, who fight for us, I would also like to wish my daughter Abbey, a Happy 12th Birthday! It is hard to believe she is twelve already. Where does the time go? I can remember when she wanted toys for her birthday, this year she wanted jewelery, cash and Bath and Body works stuff...hummm...Today we spent the day in Boston enjoying the city. We went to Cheers for lunch, fanuel Hall shopping, we walk down Newbury Street and had cupcakes and then took the subway back to where we parked. It was a really nice day and I think Abbey had a great Birthday!
So, today I want to share a card that I made, inspired by a card I saw on Pinterest. I can't remember the last time a made a card that didn't involve stamping! I used a sizzix apple punch, and an EK sucess boarder punch. Simple card and I made a few sets for my kids teachers for an end of the year gift! I don't like to mass produce cards, but I am sure glad I picked an easy one to do. Well, am going to enjoy what is left of this gorgeous day. Happy Creating!
Happy Tuesday, it's kind of hard to say that, as I sit here and watch the news and watch all the devastation in Oklahoma after the terrible tornado. I will continue to pray for all of Oklahoma and the families affected by this devastation.
With that being said, I would like to move on to a happier note. This past Thursday, I took a class with Dina Wakley , and boy did I get inky....I will have to share pics at a later post, but it was a great class and I learned lots. Sat, I attended a First Communion for one of my very good friends son, and Sat night I attend a 50th Birthday party, and then on Sunday, I attend one of my LSS yard sale. It was a very busy weekend, but a great weekend!
As you can see, this weeks challenge is Graduation, Wedding, Anniversary. I decided to go with a wedding theme. I used a great stamp from I Brake For Stamps, and you can find the stamp here, and if you love the stamp and would like to purchase it, don't forget to use My DT 10% code on the right side of my blog. I just love this stamp....don't you?
Moving on to last weeks Mother's Day Challenge and the fantastic projects that you all created. WowEE....you all are amazing. It is always so hard to choose the TOP 3, and this week is no different. It was so hard to pick this week, but after much deliberations, the TOP 3 are:
Jan R
Julie P
Fabulous cards ladies Please feel free to grab the I made TOP 3 banner on the right of my blog!
Feast your eyes on the DT's amazing "Graduation, Wedding, or Anniversary" Creations!
Weren't those fabulous? Don't be afraid to head to their blogs and leave them a little love. You will have 2 weeks on Monday @ 6pm to get your card in for the challenge. We only allow 2 entry's per person. Also, we have new Blog Badges, please feel free to take one and post on your blog. I will be picking the top 3 in 2 weeks, and I will award 3 people with the new top 3 badge! When posting to a gallery's, please use the key words GGSC153.....Have a great day and happy creating
Happy Friday!!! I hope you had a good week. I am always happy went it's Friday, because I have Sat & Sun OFF...wahooo...
Today I have a Cammy Girl card for you. How cute is this little girl??? I Brake For Stamps sells a whole line of these girls, and I love them all.....don't worry, I will show them to you soon, but if you can't wait, head on over HERE, and if you decide you need a stamp or two, please feel free to use my discount code SAVE10KRISTEN and get 10% off your entire purchase.
Recently, I have had people ask me about my copics, and what colors I use, so I am going to try to included my colors in all my post from now on. I hope this helps. Well, that is all for me today. I hope you have a great weekend. Happy Crafting!
Happy Thursday! Are you enjoying your week. Mine has been uneventful, which is ok by me. Today I managed to get things around the house done, and I finally finished my Sociology class...Wahooo...one more class down, and a lot to go. Yes, I already graduated, but I am continuing on with school towards my bachelors degree in nursing. I have decide I may be a life time student...LOL....Anyways, I am thrilled to have another class under my belt. The question now, to take a summer class or not. I am leaning towards taking a class. I'm afraid if I stop, I will never go back.....What would I do with all my free time...UMmmmm I can think of plenty...
Is the sun shining where you are??? Not here, it is raining, but I really can't complain, as I haven't seen rain in weeks. Today, I am sharing a nice springy card with you. This stamp from I Brake For Stamps is one of my favorites. It is definitely one of my "go to" stamps for any occasion. The name if the stamp is Flower Pots (and you can get this stamp as well as your total purchase for 10% off, when you use my DT code SAVE10KRISTEN). Well, that is all I got today, but I hope all you MOMs out there have a wonderful Mother's Day and weekend. Happy Crafting!
Happy Tuesday!!!! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I swear, I live for the weekends lately. Saturday I spent the entire day with " My Crafting Ladies", Pia, Mary, Peggy, Michelle, and Nicole. We went to our favorite LSS, and took a card class, and then did some shopping, and yes, I left covered in glitter....LOL...We then went to the Cheescake Factory for lunch, and I LOVE the cheesecake factory.....and I ended my night by relaxing with the family, and then on Sunday my son had a Hockey game, and scored all 3 goals, and then we visited my in-laws. It was a really nice weekend.
Well, you know what this weekend is, It's Mothers Day weekend, and that is our challenge this week. We want to see all your Mothers Day creations. I created this card for my MUM, and she truly is the best. I couldn't ask for a better Mother or Nana for my kids, so for my MUM, Happy Mothers Day! Oh ya, this image is a first for me...It is the very first time I used one of Sherry Baldy's images and I have to admit, I am hooked. She has the cutest images, and I bought a few others that I can't wait to color!
Last week we had a rockin challenge, with a great turn out. You all love your insects and animals...LOL...So, the TOP 3 from the Insects and animals challenge were:
Ok, I couldn't pick just three.....they are all so gorgeous!!!
Fabulous cards ladies Please
feel free to grab the I made TOP 3 banner on the right of my
Feast your eyes on the DT's amazing "Mothers Day"
Weren't those
fabulous? Don't be afraid to head to their blogs and leave them a
little love. You will have 2 weeks on Monday @ 6pm to get your card in
for the
challenge. We only allow 2 entry's per person. Also, we have new Blog
please feel free to take one and post on your blog. I will be picking
the top 3 in 2 weeks, and I will award 3 people with the new top 3
badge! When posting to a
gallery's, please use the key words GGSC152.....Have a great day and