Wow, hard to believe another year has gone by, and what a year it was. While there were some great moments in 2012: My graduated Nursing school (wahooo), I got my first nursing job, we went on a fabulous cruise, and for the most part we were healthy, but honestly, I am happy to see 2012 come to an end, as it was one of the toughest years we have had to face as a family. My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer (thankfully is doing ok now, after surgery, radiation and injections), My father-in-law was diagnosed with cancer and continues to fight everyday, My cousin (38 years old) was diagnosed with Breast cancer (doing well after surgery, chemo, and radiation), we had to put one of our dogs to sleep this year (one of the hardest things I we have ever had to do), so to say the least, I am happy to kiss 2012 goodbye and happily say hello to 2013. My only wish for the New Year is health and happiness to all my family.
As many of you know, I have taken up journaling, but haven't had much time to do much crafting lately, with the holidays and all, but as I reflect on the past year, and what I would like to change for the new year, I have come up with:
Continue on my weight loss journey. From October to December, I lost 24 pounds. My hope it to continue and lose at least 60 by the end of the year.
Get crafty at least 3 times a week......
Waste more
go back to school for my BA in Nursing
Continue to organize my house...always a work in progress.
As you see, I am keeping my list simple, as simple seems to be working for me. I am hoping to complete a journal page for 2013, but I am making no promises.....LOL
So, as I say goodbye to another year, I would like to THANK all of you for following along with my post and are the reason I continue to post and I appreciate all your comments....Happy New Year...Stay safe and I will talk to you next year .....LOL
Happy Tuesday.......I hope you had a GREAT weekend! I worked all day Saturday, but had a very relaxing day on Sunday and I even took a 2 hour much needed nap. I love Sundays when I can just spend the day at home relaxing and getting caught up on things. I haven't been making a whole lot of cards, but I did manage to get this super cute frog image card done and with his expression, I couldn't help but add the b-a-a-a-a humbug saying. The image is called Freddie Santa with Gift, and it is from I brake for stamps website and it happens to be on sale this week, and if you use this code:SAVE10KRISTEN you save another 10%......just can't beat the price.
Well, this may be my last Christmas card of the season, but I have been crafting away with other things and hope to share them with you throughout the week. So, bye for now and maybe I will have another post tomorrow!
When I was making my frog card, my daughter decided that the frog was so cute, that she need to color one too. This is her card to the right!
Happy Tuesday!!! I hope you you enjoyed your weekend. Minus working all weekend, It was rather quiet. I had a little bit of time to do some crafting and worked on this altered cigar box, for this weeks "Anything But A Card" challenge. I have to tell you that I LOVED making this project and since making this one, I have made another and started working on my 3rd....Great way to use up your scrap papers and they are really fun to make. This is my first one and I actually made it for ME....LOL...I made it to match my bedroom and decided it will look great on my dresser. It is not completely done, as I would like something else on top in the middle, but until I can find the "perfect" something, it is staying the way it is. If you are needing a last minute holiday gift, you may want to consider making one of these. It cost under $10.00 to make and it is a fairly quick make. I even got the Tim Holtz legs on sale...wahooo...
As I mentioned, not only are we having a great challenge this week, but I have decided to give away some blog Candy.....because of the upcoming holidays, I have decided to keep it a surprise...all you have to do is leave a comment on this weeks post stating what your FAVORITE themed challenges are to participate and why.....example, I love Halloween and I am always up for a Halloween challenge. Next tuesday I will choose I random winner and send your package off. I also want to mention that this weeks challenge will be the last challenge of the year...We are taking off a few weeks for the Holidays. Going Grey With Scrap-Creations will start up again in the beginning of January.... Last week we had a HUGE number of participants and that always makes me excited....but it also makes it REALLY hard to choose the weeks TOP 3......after much consideration, Last weeks TOP 3 of the Christmas Challenge are:
Sandy: Gorgeous Coloring and love the papers
Lena: Stunning coloring and I love the colors and embellishments.
Mona: Great colors and image for the theme.
Fabulous cards ladies Please
feel free to grab the I made TOP 3 banner on the right of my
Feast your eyes on the
DT's amazing "Anything But A Card " Creations
Weren't those fabulous? Don't be afraid to head to their
blogs and leave them a little love. You will have until next Monday @ 6pm to get
your card in for the challenge. We only allow 2 entry's per person. Also, we
have new Blog Badges, please feel free to take one and post on your blog. I will
be picking the top 3 next week, and I will award 3 people with the new top 3
badge! When posting to a gallery's, please use the key words GGSC142.....Have a
great day and happy creating !
Happy Sunday! I have some news that I can't wait to share with you....I am happy to say that I am a new mamber of "I Brake For Stamps" Design team....I am super excited and I can't wait to share with you the creations I create with their fabulous stamps.....and top things off, I am happy to share with you a 10% off your total order with this coupon code:SAVE10KRISTEN....What a great time to treat yourself to a little holiday gift (wink). If you get a chance, check it out....I hope you are enjoying your weekend, and happy creating.
Happy Tuesday. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday weekend. Did you join the crazyss for black Frady shopping? I had a great Thanksgiving, and I did go out on black Friday, but I went out later and didn't have to stand in any lines....Wahooooo.....All in All it was a great weekend!
I would like to share a tradition that we have in our house. We have an ELf on The Shelf and everynight he moves while we are sleeping, well, last night he was fresh. He opened our flour and made elf angels in the flour......I have to admit, it was a big hit with the kids.....Do you have an elf on the shelf???? I would love to hear your stories.
Ok, this weeks challenge is "Merry Christmas"! We want to see what you are creating for the holidays. For this weeks challenge, I made a very simple, but cute card. I also had a journal page, but I couldn't get it done on time, so the x-mas card had to do........
So, last weeks "winter" Challenge" was amazing.....There were SO many gorgeous cards.....I picked TOP 3 and they are: Simone: Love the white and blue together...Stunning!
Ellie: Love your embellishments and colors
Christy Fabulous Scene, and I love everything about your card!
Fabulous cards ladies Please
feel free to grab the I made TOP 3 banner on the right of my
Feast your eyes on the
DT's amazing "Christmas" Creations
Weren't those fabulous? Don't be afraid to head to their blogs and leave them a
little love. You will have until next Monday @ 6pm to get your card in for the
challenge. We only allow 2 entry's per person. Also, we have new Blog Badges,
please feel free to take one and post on your blog. I will be picking the top 3
next week, and I will award 3 people with the new top 3 badge! When posting to a
gallery's, please use the key words GGSC141.....Have a great day and happy
creating !
Happy Tuesday!!!! Hope you had a Fab weekend!!! I would love to tell you about my weekend, but I am completely exhausted tonight and my brain is fried....have you ever had one of those days????
So this weeks challenge is WINTER.....burrrrr....We want to see those fabulous winter creations.....
All I am going to say is AMAZING.....last weeks entries for the "Give Thanks" challenge were Awesome....Wowzers..really hard to pick the TOP 3.....but after narrowing it down, Last weeks TOP 3 are (picked by me):
Alyce: Amazing coloring and fab embellishments!
J. Atterbury: Love your layout and background
Mandy: Love your 3D effect on this card
Fabulous cards ladies Please
feel free to grab the I made TOP 3 banner on the right of my
Feast your eyes on the
DT's amazing "Winter" Creations!
Weren't those fabulous? Don't be afraid to head to their blogs and leave them a
little love. You will have until next Monday @ 6pm to get your card in for the
challenge. We only allow 2 entry's per person. Also, we have new Blog Badges,
please feel free to take one and post on your blog. I will be picking the top 3
next week, and I will award 3 people with the new top 3 badge! When posting to a
gallery's, please use the key words GGSC140.....Have a great day and happy
creating !
Happy Friday! I thought I would post a quick page today on one of my newest journal pages. This journal pages had to be one of the funnest pages I have made to date. This page took a couple of days to create, but I love it. I used a a few different mediums on this page: Dylusions sprays, Gesso, acrylic paints, and watercolor paints. I also used my new Faber Castell PITT markers, and all I am going to say is :LOVE......They are fabulous markers!!! If you have never used them, Google them and watch a video. Christy Tomlinson has some wonderful videos using them....Beware, you are going to "need" them....If you decide to try them out, LMK what you think.....
Ok, like I said, quick post today. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and happy Crafting :)
Happy Tuesday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend, I sure did. It started on Friday night, I had a bunch of friends over for a Thirty-one party, and then on Saturday The kids had a jam packed day of fun activities with friends, Sunday, Ryan had a Hockey game in the morning and scored his first goal of the season (super exciting), and then Abbey and I drove to Boston for the Kellogg's Tour of Gymnastics Champions (Great show), and then on Monday we topped off a great weekend with a day trip to the beach in Maine. It was one fantastic weekend....Love those kind of weekends :)
With the weekend being jam packed with good times, I knew I need to make my card for this weeks Give Thanks challenge ahead of time, and honestly, when I am making cards lately, I feel like such a beginner...I have been spending all my creative time journaling and playing with altered media, that now I feel like I have lost my card making mojo...I loved coloring this image, but I hate the layout..blahhhh...but if I wanted perfect, I should buy Hallmark...right....
Last weeks "Digi"challenge seemed to be a big hit...We had a great turnout....Wahoooo...I love all your creations........You are all so talented......Last weeks TOP 3 are picked by Peggy, and Peggy and said:
Sandy: I love the layers and elements used on this card
Annmarie: I love the soft look of this card
Scrappellen - I love the Steampunk Theme
Fabulous cards ladies Please
feel free to grab the I made TOP 3 banner on the right of my
Feast your eyes on the
DT's amazing "Give thanks" Creations!
Weren't those fabulous? Don't be afraid to head to their blogs and leave them a
little love. You will have until next Monday @ 6pm to get your card in for the
challenge. We only allow 2 entry's per person. Also, we have new Blog Badges,
please feel free to take one and post on your blog. I will be picking the top 3
next week, and I will award 3 people with the new top 3 badge! When posting to a
gallery's, please use the key words GGSC139.....Have a great day and happy
creating !