Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Going Grey With Scrap-Creations Challenge: Fairies

div> Happy Tuesday!!!! Did you enjoy your Memorial Day weekend?? My family and I headed up to Maine with my parents and some of my extended family and had a blast!  We went to the beach (even know the water was only 55 degrees), did some crab fishing, cooked out, hung around the pool, and most importantly we celebrated my daughter Abbey's 11th birthday.  Which is just crazy to me....where did the time go, and how did my baby girl grow up so fast????

So, what can I say about last weeks "BINGO" challenge...You all ROCKED it. You cards were gorgeous, and made it so hard to pick the TOP 3....but without further A DU...last weeks TOP 3 are:



Fabulous cards ladies Please feel free to grab the I made TOP 3 banner on the right of my blog!

This week we have a Fluttery challenge for you.....This week we want to see your FAIRY cards..........

                             Feast your eyes on the DT's amazing "Fairy" Creations!


Weren't those fabulous? Don't be afraid to head to their blogs and leave them a little love. You will have until next Monday @ 6pm to get your card in for the challenge. We only allow 2 entry's per person. Also, we have new Blog Badges, please feel free to take one and post on your blog. I will be picking the top 3 next week, and I will award 3 people with the new top 3 badge! When posting to a gallery's, please use the key words GGSC116.....Have a great day and happy creating

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Going Grey with Scrap-Creations: BINGO

Happy Tuesday!!!! I can't begin to tell you what an amazing weekend I had....I have two words for you...I GRADUATED!!!! I am offically a college graduate with a degree in Science: Nursing RN!!!!
Saturday was amazing, Graduation, and then my parents through me an amazing graduation party!!! The whole day was completely amazing!!!
So, we have a suer fun challenge for you this week....This week we are playing BINGO!!! If you never have played bingo before, you need to connect three in a row, My card for today is a graduation card cased by Frances Martin on Pinterest.  I made mine into a card, which is big enough for me to put money in :) I used Die cuts, brads, and "lace" It's really a ribbon that I shredded up=BINGO!
   Looks like last week was a tough challenge, but those that played did an awesome job.....The TOP 3 for last weeks "Emotion" challenge are:


Fabulous cards ladies Please feel free to grab the I made TOP 3 banner on the right of my blog!

Feast your eyes on the DT's amazing "BINGO" Creations!


Weren't those fabulous? Don't be afraid to head to their blogs and leave them a little love. You will have until next Monday @ 6pm to get your card in for the challenge. We only allow 2 entry's per person. Also, we have new Blog Badges, please feel free to take one and post on your blog. I will be picking the top 3 next week, and I will award 3 people with the new top 3 badge! When posting to a gallery's, please use the key words GGSC115.....Have a great day and happy creating

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Going Grey with Scrap-Creations Challenge: Emotions

Happy Tuesday!!!! and yet again, it is a WONDERFUL Tuesday! Not only is today my 13th wedding Anniversary, but last night I graduated from Nashua Community Colleges RN program.  The pinning ceremony was beautiful and it was wonderful having my whole family there to celebrate with me.....a great night!
      So, you wanna know more about this weeks challenge???? This week we want to see your projects that state emotion (sorry, thinking of you....etc). Yeap, you are right, mine is really a "emotion" project, but with life being as crazy as it was with school ending and I went up to Maine to spend Mothers Day with my family, I really didn't have a ton of time to make anything, and I have been itching to post this tray that I made a bit back.  I will be honest with you, when I first started making this tray (cutting and measuring all the blocks), I was not enjoying it, but once all the cutting was done, I loved the embellishing part and I am please with how it turned out.  As you know, I a huge beach fan, and I love Maine, so I went with a beach frame to go with my living room decor.....what do you think????

    Last weeks entrys for the "Mother's Day" challenge were WONDERFUL, but as always, I can only pick 3. So last weeks TOP 3 are:

Katie Tate:
Marilyn Webb:
Cathy Lu:

Fabulous cards ladies Please feel free to grab the I made TOP 3 banner on the right of my blog!

          Feast your eyes on the DT's amazing "Emotion" Creations



Weren't those fabulous? Don't be afraid to head to their blogs and leave them a little love. You will have until next Monday @ 6pm to get your card in for the challenge. We only allow 2 entry's per person. Also, we have new Blog Badges, please feel free to take one and post on your blog. I will be picking the top 3 next week, and I will award 3 people with the new top 3 badge! When posting to a gallery's, please use the key words GGSC114.....Have a great day and happy creating

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Going Grey With Scrap-Creations Challenge: Happy Mothers Day

Happy Tuesday.....and HAPPY it is.  Yesterday I finished my final exam of Nursing school. Only 2 more 3 hour class and I am FINISHED!!!! Pinning ceremony next Monday night (Last night with my nursing Peeps) and Graduation on the 19th...Wahooo...Party!!!! It has been an extremely long journey, but an amazing one!!! Not only have I gained a new career, but friends for life!!! hehehehe...I am as giddy as a school girl that I am FINALLY graduating college...ahhhhh Sounds so good!
   Anyways, enough abot me....How was your weekend??? Anyone do anything fun???? Buy anything new????  HOW ABOUT A CONTEST.... with new products coming out every day, I wanna know what new product that you have bought and just can't get enough of......PRIZE package will be mailed to one random wnner. Please leave your commet in the comment section.
    Ok, well, not so many players las week....what's the matter? No one wants to make Male themed cards???? Anyways, we did have fabulous entrys and the TOP 3 from last weeks "Lets here it for the boys" challenge are:


This weeks TOP 3
Fabulous cards ladies Please feel free to grab the I made TOP 3 banner on the right of my blog!
Feast your eyes on the DT's amazing "Mother's Day"  Creations

Weren't those fabulous? Don't be afraid to head to their blogs and leave them a little love. You will have until next Monday @ 6pm to get your card in for the challenge. We only allow 2 entry's per person. Also, we have new Blog Badges, please feel free to take one and post on your blog. I will be picking the top 3 next week, and I will award 3 people with the new top 3 badge! When posting to a gallery's, please use the key words GGSC113.....Have a great day and happy creating

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Going Grey With Scrap-Creations Challenge: It's a boy thing!

Happy Tuesday, and I am happy to say this is truely HAPPY!!! As you know last week was a little rough with the loss of our sweet dog "Princess", but this week my family and I are on the mend and I am in the process of making a pic with her collar for the family room. We shall never forget her. She will always be a princess in our hearts!
  So, here we are on Tuesday and Iam down to my last 1 1/2 of school...ahhhh life is getting good :) Hard to believe that it is really ending. It has been an amazing journey. I guess it's kind of like childbirth, once it;s over it never seemed that bad...hahaha!!!

So, as school slows down, I have a chance to play with my camera a bit and snapped these photos. The birds nest is a robins nest and
it is in a bush rig next to my front door.  I was really hoping to be able to get a little closer, but I didn't want to push my luck. Hopefully when the eggs hatch I will be able to photograph the babies :) Now, the pic to the right is a pic of my favorite flower bush in my back yard. The purple lilac is almost complete and then I will cut some pieces and make my house smell fabulous!!!!   I love spring!!!!

So, that is enough abou the nature happening in my backyard, now lets check out te TOP 3 entries form last weeks "it's a girl things" challenge. The TOP 3 are:


As you see, I couldn't pick just 3, so this week you are the TOP 4!!!!
Fabulous cards ladies Please feel free to grab the I made TOP 3 banner on the right of my blog!
Feast your eyes on the DT's amazing "Boy" Creations
 eren't those fabulous? Don't be afraid to head to their blogs and leave them a little love. You will have until next Monday @ 6pm to get your card in for the challenge. We only allow 2 entry's per person. Also, we have new Blog Badges, please feel free to take one and post on your blog. I will be picking the top 3 next week, and I will award 3 people with the new top 3 badge! When posting to a gallery's, please use the key words GGSC112.....Have a great day and happy creating

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