I have a very special little boy & story to share with you. Meet Ethan, he is my cousin's son. Ethan is 7 yrs old and in the second grade. He was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma stage 4 in March of 2005, just after his 3rd birthday. After much Chemo and trials, Ethan was considered cancer free up until 2008, when the Neuroblastoma (cancer) returned. Once again, Ethan went through more chemo, test, and trials. His cancer seemed "stable" up until this month, when the doctors found 2 more spots on his spine. This of course is devastating news......
You see, why I worry about the things in life like, cleaning the house, doing school work, and going to work, Amy (Ethan's mother) worries about her child with cancer and trying to keep him alive. I CAN'T even imagine. As many of you know, I have 2 children as well, Age 8 & 6, and I can't imagine what Amy and Ethan are going through.
If all this isn't enough, Amy is a single mom of two. That's right, Ethan has a 10 year old sister Sierra. Sierra, who is a amazing little girl and is dealing with more than a 10 year old little girl should have to. While most girls her age are worried about playing and such, she is worried about how her brother is feeling, how his day at the hospital went, and when will her mom be back to tuck her in. You see, this family has gone through more than any family should have to deal with.

So, It's the season of giving right....that is why I am asking you and anyone you know to send a little bit of cheer their way. Ethan & Sierra love to receive mail, and while Ethan will be starting another round of Chemo, and most likely going to be missing more school, I thought it would be nice if Sierra & Ethan had a little something to look forward to during this holiday season. Help me fill their mailbox with cards and smiles. I know I have a ton of cards I have made that are sitting around, and maybe you do too. If you could just pop them a card in the mail it would mean sooo much........ It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a little something to bring a smile. I know they would love it.
You can read more of Ethan's story and see more photos at his Caring Bridge page here.
Ethan & Sierra's mailing info:
Ethan & Sierra Smith
27 Donna Street
Nashua, NH 03060
Please feel to share their story. I am hoping to create some smiles during a tough time. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Have a great weekend.

Oh, my goodness...he is SO handsome! I'd be honored to send him a card! :o)
Oh, Kristen, that breaks my heart. I'm so glad he has a nice older sister to help. I will dig through the boxes and send a card or two their way.
This is so sad. Sick children are always sad but at the holidays it is so much worse. I will look through my stash this week.
Oh Kristen what a wonderful thing to do to brighten their day. I will get a card out to each of them tomorrow.
Kristen, what a wonderful thing you're doing to bring smiles to Sierra and Ethan! I'll get a card or two out to them this week.
I am typing this thru many tears. It just breaks my heart when I see/hear of a child in pain. I lost my two children in a horrible accident and ever since I have such a soft spot for children. Can I post this on my blog?
Thanks so much for sharing this story. His Momma needs to stay strong..even though it's hard he needs her.
That just breaks my heart. I have it on blog to help get the word out. Gloria M.
I too will get a card or two in the mail..I cannot even imagine. Thanks for sharing this story.
OH Kristen, I hate to hear this as it touches VERY close to home with me. I will definitely send a card. Is there anything else we can do? Please know that your Ethan is in our prayers.
I finally mailed my cards
Such a cruel world...Popping my card in the mail right now.
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