Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-09-17 13:38:43 UTC
ScrapinShana said...
I love Halloween because it's during Fall and I LOVE Fall and all the decor and good things that go along with it. My favorite memories of Halloween are trick-or-treating when I was in Middle School with friends and taking pillow cases for our sacks and not coming home until they were almost too heavy to carry! Awesome blog candy, thanks for the chance to win =)
Please e-mail me your mailing address, so I can get your Halloween prize in the mail. Congrats and thanks for playing!
The second blog candy winner is from the Inky Impressions Blog Hop! The winner is........
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-09-17 13:52:44 UTC
scrappyjan said...
very cute!!!!!! wonderful card...janny
Congrats, and please e-mail me your mailing address, and I will get your surpise candy in the mail.

Congrats winners!
Enjoy your candy!
Congrats lucky winners!!!!
Great candy!!!!
OMG!! I can't believe I won! Yay! Thank you soooo much, this really made my made my week!!!
Congratulations both!
Cazzy x
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